New Mexico School for the Arts

Our Discovery
CFA was initially engaged to conduct a development assessment. Then, when COVID-19 forced cancellation of the organization’s ArtSpring Gala, which typically raised $400,000, we were asked to help NMSA navigate the challenging times and develop a way to replace lost income.
Our Approach
The results of our development assessment told us we would be challenged to find reliable historical data for giving, so we developed a prospect analysis through careful, detailed work with the staff and board. We outlined gift potential and helped staff and board shape requests. We also helped create a comprehensive online campaign centered on celebrating student achievement over the past decade. The campaign combined an initial direct mail postcard for sign-ups, email and social media to preview the campaign, a focus on engagement over fundraising through beautiful stories and video content, and generous matches to encourage support.
The Results
Working with the staff and board, we were able to secure $200,000 in matching gifts, which we used as a 2:1 match to kickstart the campaign. We quickly met the 2:1 match and shifted in the last week of the campaign to a $100 match to encourage gifts at all levels. As a result, NMSA successfully closed its fundraising gap and raised over $460,000 in two weeks.